apparently, he is not checking his messages. ::rolls eyes in dramatic fashion::
i am taking 3 advil every four hours - the last two of the four hours being just plain agonizing. just thought i'd let y'all know where i was if you even look for me on the weekends. i am trying to be all sorts of noble and offer my suffering and pain on behalf of those who suffer and are in pain more than i. professedly, i am not *that* noble and end up drawing my legs into me, blankie over top of me, while i sit in a fluffy chair and channel surf for something that will distract me from the ache*throb*agony that is my upper left, fartherest back molar in my mouth. (please place back of hand over forehead in histrionic fashion and you'll get the picture...)
as an aside, who's the patron saint of tooth pain? (i did what julie at happy catholic would do and looked her up real quick...st. apollonia, please pray for me!!)
now...where's my remote?
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