the high? max's pathology report came back clean. as in *a whistle* - incision looks good, doctor is pleased with his progress, two more weeks and stitches are removed and then we are looking at full-body exams for the next five years every three months or so, then every six, just like ben.
guessing it's time i made an appointment to have my check-up, but am awaiting that 20-book weight loss prior to doing so...
the low? i got a letter from the community college last month seeking further financial information on my catering business. i wasn't pleased that i had to supply the information, but it was a negative number (a very "healthy" negative number, i might add) so i figured i was a lock for financial aid.
figured wrong.
i received a letter today stating that according to the federal and state regulations i have NOT met their "standards of academic progress," with a further statement of how to appeal.
i wish to appeal.
bruce may not have been a family relative, but he was an employee and like a brother to me and he killed himself and attending college at that point in my life was not feasible. cop out? i don't think so. did it save my sanity to withdraw? you betcha. the appeal is being formulated in my head as we speak.
these are the days where anything goes? work was excruciatingly slow today and were it not for intermittent chest discomfort, my day would have been uneventful, save for said aches and the news stated above. don't rush me to the e.r. - my ankle's a bit swollen and i am having a bit of difficulty breathing, so i get off my feet and see how it goes for a day or two before i call my sarcoid doc. not claiming that is what it is; could be stress or just plain i am tired.
so now i'll rest, and hopefully find myself a little bit closer to feeling fine...
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