how do you speak to those you love?
how about those you don't even like so much?
how about when you think nobody else is really listening?
for the last almost week now, i've been basically surfing because my mouth has been riddled with intermittent throbbing pain. yesterday, dare i say? i felt a bit better until i decided to taste the peanut butter ripple ice cream at work for "quality control reasons..." not smart. threw me back two days. but i woke up feeling better today and i am thinking it was because a friend of mine emailed me he was praying for me. bless his heart, his prayers are effective :)
so i've been surfing blogs, finding new ones that i think are awesome, but finding some that truly broke my spirit. i am not going to go into detail by providing links, but suffice it to say that these are professed Christian and Catholic blogs that like to poke fun at people and situations and while a number of people find them funny (based on over 75 comments on one thread i saw), i failed to find the humor in them, that one post in particular.
listen, if you don't like what someone is doing...if it is against church teachings or doctrines...if you don't care for how their faces look...whatever...is this something that you need all your friends to gather 'round you and pat you on your back for your cleverness? to give a *hat tip* to when they link you to one of their threads?
i wasn't feeling the love.
i worry about how i speak to my children. i try to think (most times) before i say something that may potentially harm my spouse. i am an intermediary between family members where there is no peace. as a Christian woman, someone who professes to follow Christ, would i go out of my way to make fun of someone if they didn't ascribe to what i personally believed it?
a resounding no.
i guess that's why my blog is the way it is and others are the way they are. they are in their own *house* and can speak and mock and laugh all the way they want to...that's the way they love.
i just fail to find the humor in it so maybe my love language is askewed. maybe i am overly sensitive and can't take a joke. maybe as i age, i see things differently so i am the one who is a bit off in my thinking.
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