come to the quiet

quiet room -i love being up before my children because it's peaceful and quiet and i have time to myself, which is all i ever really need sometimes. just a little "me" time.

i feel like we are always juggling, always moving, always busy. there are always a lot of balls being tossed in the air and today will be no different. but for today, i am okay with it.

i have a day off, my bible study this morning (i actually did my homework night before last - Revelation - really cool, really heavy stuff...), then an appointment with my doctor from my sarcoidosis days (seven years it's been and he had to tell the receptionist how to spell my name - he remembered me) because i have fluid on my elbow and cannot extend my left arm fully; the orthopedics are all scratching their heads and have suggested it may be sarcoid-related since it also affects the joints. if you feel so inclined, a quick prayer for a positive outcome would be cool.

i am getting off the original topic of being in the quiet. solitude. even the word *solitude* is so inviting to me, yet we are called to be in the community.

my favorite place for solitude is at Our Lady of Sorrows RC church - there is perpetual adoration and candles flicker all over the place and it is peaceful and peace-filled, but i can't always steal away for an hour to read and pray and meditate, so i have to find the quiet in mornings such as these where i am exploring others' blogs with a sleeping cat on my lap and sipping hazelnut coffee and thanking God for air conditioning and the day ahead of me.

how do you find your quiet time and space?

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