remember in december when my daughter and her friend (hereinafter gf#1) had a problem with a certain kid in our neighborhood and i handled it by screaming at the whole host of them (this is my "i am not proud of the language i used" disclaimer) - with a flurry of obscenities and pointed remarks that would wound these kids, this one boy in particular, to their very core?
now, let's fast-forward to may when my son, max, had a problem with a certain kid from our 'hood, again, the same one, that escalated into his being bullied?
my daughter and two of her friends, gf#1 and another gal, were on our bike path, minding their business when a group of boys, the main one being the kid from the 'hood, approached them and started hassling them on their bikes. the girls took off and the boys followed them on their bikes, shouting things unintelligibly, until the girls rode their way, scared to death, to a friend's house for safe haven. the boys waited for them on their bikes at the end of the street, but when the girls felt it was okay to leave, they rode back to gf#1's house (where they were sleeping over) and the mother from "safe haven" followed behind in their car to assure their safety.
we were out to dinner (of course) but only because mol was sleeping at gf#1's house. we got the call from molly on our way home about what happened and she and her friends wanted to stay at our house because gf#1's parents had friends over and they were all drinking wine and sitting around playing guitars...
we picked them up, only to find out that gf#1 never told her dad what happened.
why would this land squarely on our laps?
my husband was fuming the entire way home and promptly decided it was time to "tell ben" what happened. if you don't know this, my ben lifts weights on a regular basis and when his temper is ignited, can be volatile (i don't know where he gets it). when the whole december scenario played out, and i think i posted it, he said "you know if i were home, you would have had to have bailed me out."
this morning jim was still fuming and said we should have called the police. the girls were really scared last night and if we don't do something, we are afraid this is going to escalate and my husband, along with ben, will take it into their own hands. frankly, i don't have enough cash on hand for both of them.
what would you do in this situation? i am really at a loss.
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