may the Lord graciously bless the work of our hands.

we had a priest come out today to bless our restaurant. finally. this was the fifth (5th) one we asked. he was running a bit behind schedule, so naturally i thought he had forgotten.

he hadn't.

after telling him of all the things that have happened to us as a cafe over the past almost four years, he actually prayed a prayer of deliverance first and then a lengthy blessing upon the business, our employees, customers, and us. it was wonderful and warm and i cannot tell you how incredible it felt after waiting for so long to have someone come and pray over us.

then i come home to my new cd in the mail: Thomas Tallis - Spem in alium (Missa Salve intermerata) - honestly if one were to ask me what heaven sounded like, i'd say listen to this cd. it is amazing and ethereal.

and while i am eating my jersey tomato sandwich and typing in between bites while listening to said cd after this morning's amazing blessing, i'd say i feel like i am on the outskirts of heaven today.

and it feels good.

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