moving day.

my oldest son is moving out. not just as in "going back to college," but as in "moving out of our home, for good (this time)."

why am i unemotional about this?

is it because of all i've gone through with him and it is *time*?
is it because he's been out until all hours of the night all summer, worked two jobs, haven't really spent any time with him since april anyway?

i dunno.

he's moving in with his music fraternity brothers - i.e., if they throw a party, they usually get all liquored up and sit around, playing their cellos and other-worldly instruments. wooo. then if they are really tanked, they talk of things like nietzsche and kierkegaard and then for fun, throw on an old monty python tape.

(read: not worried in the least about who he is living with...)

i can't even post any more than this. if you can figure out why i am not emotional and coming apart at the seams, i'll treat you to lunch at my restaurant. i'll know it is the correct response because bells and whistles will go off in my head and that is good enough for me.

carry on.

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