"unlucky penni, mother of three, renew thou insurance now, lest thee go into debt."
okay, not a normal poem, but i tried to base it on the Hail Mary :)
toe is broken, met with doctor today who feels it should heel well in a *boot* that i need to wear for the next six to eight weeks (read that again - SIX to EIGHT weeks). i guess it's like a walking cast, saying "guess" because i don't have it yet. my insurance requires 24-48 hours for certification because i guess these things are all the rage and they decided to make sure it is totally necessary before they start handing them out willy-nilly. i oft times wondered what the line out atlantic shore's doors were; now i know.

so i have a really, really cool shoe. sort of like what herman munster would wear if he injured his foot in such a way. i feel equally as graceful as my man herman, so if the shoe fits...
i've watched "the princess bride," read some of my book, taken a nap, not been on the computer whatsoever (*inconCEVable!*), talked on the phone, opened up a sweet e-card from my friend from across the big pond, lit a candle and prayed my tuesday novena, and here we are, it's 5:38 e.s.t.
where does that time go?
hope all are faring better than yours truly. i am hoping to be going to work tomorrow since i can now bear a little weight and have this really groovy shoe; i may be more trouble to my husband than i am worth, so we shall see...
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