did i mention...

...that i started my english composition class on tuesday? my professor is the father of one of my oldest son's best friends. cool guy, playwrite, dry dry dry sense of humor. so far, so good. so much reading - it helps that this is the class i took for about 4 weeks last year so i have half of the reading done, already. thank you Lord.

and no, i am so not the oldest girl in class, thanks for asking.

it's thursday, right? my crazed week thus far: labor day, first day of school, first day of classes (i go tues/thurs), organizing a benefit, designing tee shirts, almost missed my first night of r.c.i.a. (thought it started next week), bible study today (might be last day of it, up in the air), new hire at work (more piercings than i'd care to mention, but hey, we are an equal opportunity employer...as long as nothing dangles near the slicer, it's all good...), keeping up with katrina information, trying to read, laundry - what laundry? dishes, what dishes? trying to knit, cleaning is an impossibility (alexa, come and help me!), praying, missing ben, forgot my novena (st. martha, pray for me!), had insomnia times two nights, struggling in certain temptation areas of my life, and trying to blog in between times so i feel connected because otherwise, i'd have no social life whatever.

other than that, fighting boredom.


(as an aside, has anyone seen the movie "boondock saints?")

(and yes, i may have adult onset a.d.d.)

(wanna see my bike?)

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