my friend rwk wrote a book. as did my friend jeff. i would like to join their ranks.
as an aside, the above authors have written worthy books to own; if you have not made your purchase, please -- get clicking!
i am desirous of writing (compiling?) a book, but i need your help -- if a gal can compile a "To Do List" book, why can't i?
here's my idea: i want a page from your journal. your moleskin. your note pad. just one page, doesn't have to be current, doesn't have to make sense. it can be random or it can be thought out. what i want to do with this, once you send it to me, is either form it into a story (compiled with other submissions) or reprint it as you have it, depending upon content. i shall be the ultimate editor and will use my discretion and my keen abilities (oh, don't act like they are not keen!) to compile a cool book about anything and everything - and the title? penni, for your thoughts.
(i may even pay each contributor a penny! seriously! how cute is that?)
attributions will be made for those wishing to have same and anonymity maintained for my shyer contributors. one other thing: i do not want anything that you have published to your blog or anywhere else. it has to be fresh because the penster does not want to tangle with those pesky copyright/attribution laws.
before i go out and rent a post office box for the next year, please -- TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! would you contribute? would you be a part of what i want to accomplish? should i have been in touch with a publisher or editor before i threw this out in bloggy land? of course, this entire process will be second-guessed...or will it?
my thoughts are developing faster than i can write them, but before they spiral by the wayside -- what say you?
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