Advent Reading

while it may be a bit late in the season to ask this question, share with me in the com box what you are reading this Advent....what is helping you during "the wait"....what has inspired you that is beyond your normal meditative readings/prayers?

my list in pictures and links:

Watch for the Light
 daily readings that are awesome and convicting.  for instance, yesterday's was written by Dorothy Day about Jesus being in every person you meet.  (need i add to that?)

God with Us
(absolutely gorgeous on every level...inspired writings by one author per week, accompanied by artwork by masters that is breathtaking....)

and finally (with no image available) our parish gave out The Little Blue Book - Advent and Christmas Seasons for 2008-2009, a "Six-minute reflections [book] on the first readings for daily Mass during the Advent/Christmas season."  what a dear gem this is!  chock-full of little nuggets regarding saints and angels and what Jesse trees are and spiritual direction....i have it with me at all times.  really neat, really money well spent by our parish :)  while i have no sweet image (it really is a little blue book, use your imagination), here is a link to their site if you are interested in ordering anything for Advent next year, or perhaps Lent.

come, share.  what has inspired you?  what has kept you out of the commercialism that began in october?

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