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so many thoughts, so little time today as i will be taking my dd, and two nieces and one nephew to a different niece's birthday party. it is a huge step toward mending long fractured fences, and although their parents (read: my siblings) are not participating in this event, i at least have their miniature proxies and that is a good thing. pictures to follow.
remember my thoughts from a couple of days ago about dressing for church? hope froma song not scored for breathing has put into words what i was having a clumsy time articulating. i just wanted to give her a plug because i have only recently stumbled upon her and already, she is one of my daily visits.
it's humbling for me to find other bloggers who question their response to the homeless or the *least of these* - rick from new life emerging had an excellent post, actually, a wonderful blog altogether, and i would recommend a newer gent to blogville, from the salmon. he's actually quite organized, having threads and responses in different categories on his sidebar (how does he do that??).
okay, i am a poser. i admit it. if i find something that someone is doing on their blog, of course i seek permission first and then utilize, not utilize and then seek forgiveness. through her kindness, my pal alexa has generously provided me with the code so i, too, can ride the .wav...i will be updating the sounds probably more frequently than i do the quotes of my special friends on my sidebar - at least once a week, if not more - and they will actually show my more fun side. betcha didn't think i had one, didja? the one who can guess the movie or program it comes from wins a prize of some sort. oh, yes... be excited.
i've separated my blogroll to show that i have great respect for my gastronomic pallies. they are worthy of a visit and very much fun, so check them out and report back to me what you've learned about cabbage and such that you were heretofore clueless about...
now i would love to hear from my lenten bloggers who have restricted their internet time so as to rejoin the family for dinner, perhaps update their quickbooks and get caught up on all the reading they have listed on their sidebar (julie d.) -- ala dr. phil, "how's that workin' for ya?" i am curious because i know i need to regroup, but this has been my only outlet for the last few weeks and i am hesitant to move myself away from it, lest i contemplate and worry and remain concerned in silence, which was how i came to blog in the first place. could you imagine how neurotic i was before blogging?

don't answer that.

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