the Triduum

The Triduum- the the three most sacred days of the Easter season:
Christ redeemed us all and gave perfect glory to God principally through his paschal mystery: dying he destroyed our death and rising he restored our life. Therefore the Easter Triduum of the passion and resurrection of Christ is the culmination of the entire liturgical year." (Vatican Council)
I found a very plain language explanation for those of you who are unaware of what it means, but it boils down to this:
Thus we take forty days (Lent) to prepare, three days (Easter Triduum) to experience, and fifty days (Easter time) to celebrate the great mystery of our faith.
What an incredible three days, my absolute favorite Mass (other than the Easter vigil) is tonight: the institution of the Eucharist and the reenactment of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. Years ago, I was one of the parishioners who had their feet washed and it was an incredibly moving and humbling experience. After Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed and we are asked to sit a while with Jesus "in the Garden," but I find at my church, for whatever reason, it is way too noisy and people are too chatty when we are supposed to be leaving in silence. I work at the hospital tomorrow, Good Friday, which is appropriate if I have to be doing anything at all. From noon until 3:00 p.m., whether I am home or not, all things electronic are turned off (including telephones) and my children read quietly out of respect for the day. I will probably stop off at Our Lady of Sorrows where they are open 24/7 and stay a while prior to going home.

On Saturday at 8:00 p.m., I am the first Lector at the Easter Vigil (Genesis - it is becoming a tradition!) The priest who I spoke of seeing this past Sunday used to call the Vigil "the motherload of all liturgies!" He would be correct; it is incredible and if you have never attended one, you should treat yourself. They begin in darkness while the Paschal candle is lit in the back of the church and all in attendance subsequently light their candles off of this single flame until the entire church is illuminated with flickering candles...there are magnificent readings and the music is equally as glorious. One of my favorite nights of the year.

We will be off to our families' homes for brunch and dinner on Sunday, which also happens to be my 18th wedding anniversary (the man is long-suffering, bless his soul), so this is really just a long-winded way of saying "see you next week!"

Thank you, Jesus, for your Sacrifice; Lord have mercy on me, a sinner.

Easter blessings to you and yours :)

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