getting my life back

where did it go? where have i gone? i feel so disconnected and really long to be reconnected.

it's been months since i've felt like baking or doing "homey" things. admittedly, i've been absent. i've been elsewhere, physically and mentally.  i have said that i wanted to be home and never really made any effort to get there.

i want to get there.

prayer helps. reading, a huge help. talking with others (professional and non-professional alike), helps. but actually cleaning the kitchen? helpful! picking blueberries for breakfast cereal and folding clothes as only a mama can fold clothes - immensely rewarding.

[wow, who would've thought?]

time to start reaching out for family and reconnecting with friends that i miss (which includes visiting blogs and leaving comments :). time to start taking an interest in dusting, and the other quotidian tasks that can be mundane but that are refreshing to someone who has been wasted and wearied for a long, long time.

[God is doing a work in me.]

“The time of business does not differ with me from the time of prayer; and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great a tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament.”  Brother Lawrence
 grab a towel and come fellowship with me...


owenswain said...

May God grant you the grace you need day by day

~pen~ said...

thanks, O :)

Hope said...

Those little daily tasks can be very fulfilling.

Beth said...

Read this post and the previous one and I teared up. And beamed from ear to ear.

So wish we were close enough to share a drink at Starbucks and talk and talk and talk and talk....

Love where you are. Headed that way myself.

Praying for you, still.

Anonymous said...

<grabs towel

Anne Welch said...

Lovely to have you back on the block.

annie said...

I'm "gone" too and am having trouble getting back...

Mark Mossa, SJ said...

I miss hearing from you. It's been a while. I was thinking of you when I heard the Gospel on Sunday!

When I get back to NYC, we need to arrange a visit!

~pen~ said...

Father Mark! Would you believe me if I told you I ordered a certain book off of this morning at approximatley 6:10am, or do you get a notification when someone purchases??


can't wait and yes, please -- I would love to meet up with you in NYC. It's a "date" :)

Mark Mossa, SJ said...

I don't get notifications. Things are hardly that organized! Probably a good thing too. I don't need another thing to obsess over.

You just might receive another copy for free in a couple of weeks! I put you on the list of bloggers who might review the book. So, double the fun! I hope you, and maybe your childrens might enjoy it!

Hope we can get together soon!