stick passing

baton passfrom my friend, fish :) only because of the ginormous amount of fondness i have for you shall i answer these questions, even further dispensing with what i consider to be a shroud of mystery surrounding my quiet self (oh, as if)... and i would also fear i'd bore you to death, but i shall answer.

1. You're stuck inside Farenheit 451. Which book do you want to be? okay, is this question one of those trick ones? like what was the worst book you've ever read and therefore, least likely to be burnt? or the most benign and banal book you've ever read, and people would rather pass you by for something more lurid and dangerous?

2. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? oh heck YES - lt. john dunbar (kevin costner's character) in dances with wolves. **heart palpitating at the thought**

(can i choose two? johnboy from the waltons? (c'mon guys - he was a writer... or how 'bout newer crush, like russel crowe as captain jack aubrey in master & commander...or...)

3. The last book you bought was...? just last night, i bought also got the book - do you hear what i hear? by minna proctor, which book is about "religious calling, the priesthood, and my father." see link for book, below.

4. The last book you read was...? in full, like from start to finish? yikes. uhmmmm...probably every woman's battle by shannon ethridge. oooh, boy...

5. What are you currently reading?it would be easier to ask what i am not reading - i have about four or five books (in addition to the one, above) that i pick up on an almost-daily basis: thomas merton, the intimate merton, dorothy day, selected writings, and catherine doherty, season of mercy. i have others just laying around the house ready to be picked up (like the road less traveled by m. scott peck...) is it any wonder i fail to get things accomplished?

6. Five books you would take to a desert New American Bible, 1970 version from oxford press (took me forever to find it, it is a treasure this edition); the New Jerome Biblical Commentary, the Message bible, complete works of merton (i know, i am cheating), and a boatload of journals. i am assuming there is no electricity to boot up the laptop, no?

7. What three people are you passing this stick on to and why?

captain wow
and hope - these folks are unique and are new friends and there are alot more i'd add because i feel like i am leaving a whole bunch out (like julie d., susie, sparrow, martha, rev. mommy, renee...) and the ones i would love to have answer but are always quite serious in their weblogs (but am uncertain in real life) are rhymes with kerouac and rick from a new life emerging.

(who says you can't answer if you wanna? i'll be checking on your blogs....)

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