i've gone on homebound visitation, i assist during daily mass. i am scheduled every other month but fill in when someone is ill or absent from mass. i'd rather be serving than sitting, anyway, so it doesn't bother me if i am needed.
one of the things they tell you in class (you need to sit through 8 hours of instruction prior to being certified to serve) is that it isn't about you. it is about you administering the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord to those who wish to receive (disclaimer: i am not a good apologist and am not going to argue the merits of what i just said...it is what i believe to be a foundational truth and one i ascribe to) - it is not about our relationship with or to the recipient of Same. in other words, even if i know the person i am giving Communion to, i simply say "the Body of Christ" and leave it at that - we are not to ackowledge the person by name because reception of communion is about their relationship with Jesus and receiving Him, not about their relationship with me and my giving them Communion.
does that make one iota of sense?
so there was a minister lacking today and the mass was filled with teens in particular because we had confirmation rehearsal directly following mass. i LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing all these teens at mass - all of them, every single one - and i had the distinct blessing of distributing communion to two of my *favorite* fellas from my class, they are so precious.
i can't help but smile when i give communion - everyone is so serious - and yes, i take it quite seriously, but when i see joy walking toward me in the form of my students or in the form of a newborn being held by her mama who is desirous of receiving, my heart sings and it beams straight up to my face. i can't help but be changed somehow by this experience. i totally recognize my unworthiness to distribute, however, feel i am unbelievably blessed because i am able to do so.
i was also beaming because greg was at mass; i didn't have a chance to say hello, but it made me happy to see him there. it's a good thing.
i am also hoping that he picked up a bulletin on his way out the door...
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