an Experience of God

Godi think there is something wrong with me...or at least the way i think.

i think every thing that happens in my life should be an experience of God or at least, look for an experience of God.

i am under the impression that not everybody thinks this way. how could that be?

how could you not look at whatever happens in the course of your day as an experience of God? (for sake of brevity, hereinafter *EOG*) there are times i am looking at mountains of laundry and thinking, not an EOG. my son's room?

uh, no. not an EOG. lots of stuff i've questioned even here on my blog, i may not have considered an EOG at the time, but in retrospect, i do now.

which brings me to today. here i was, sitting in jiffy lube, getting my oil changed before i trudge up to philadelphia first thing monday morning and one of the workers comes out to use the courtesy phone.

nice enough guy, we exhange pleasantries about the weather and springtime, yada yada and he gets on the line with the (alleged? supposed?) girlfriend who apparently called him a name.

and apparently, not a nice one like *honey bunny*

then it happened. mr. "how about this gorgeous weather" turned into "you better get an *f-ing* job if you want to sit on the other end of the phone and talk smack with better know where your bread is buttered."

oh, boy.

at that, i simply continued on my crossword and made not one facial expression, thanks be to God. it's a small waiting room, there is no way i could have NOT heard it. he said another few choice things to her, i was wondering if she was going to move out by the time he got home (i personally would have) and then wondered where my EOG was in all of it.

my husband's spin on it was that God was showing me how good i have it in life - how we never speak to each other in such a way as to degrade each other or make them feel small. maybe it was to press me into prayer for a complete stranger? or his girlfriend?

whatever it was, i felt awkward and uncomfortable, but i know i wasn't there for no reason at all (other than to get my oil changed). i am still wondering why i was there when i was, but then i look at all that happens throughout my day as an Experience of God. everything. nothing happens by accident, it is all meaningful. in some small way, some how.

am i alone in thinking all i experience is an EOG - do you look at everything that happens that stands out in the course of your day as one, too?

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