if anyone saw the Jesus in me today...

...i would like to know where He went. if you have any ideas, please advise.

you see, today was a day penni was...uh...*snappish* like snappish in ways i've not been snappish in a long while.

but instead of sitting back for a minute, or excusing myself from the line of fire (my line of fire) and taking a five minute prayer break, i continued in my wrath o' penni for NO APPARENT REASON.

see, my husband, who i love and honor and cherish, said i could attend mass prior to coming in. i said "oh, that's okay, it's a rainy friday, we'll be busy." he said, "no, go ---" because he knows i am better if i go than if i don't.

so i went.

and when i got to work, i was on *automatic focus* and was busy right away. but he comes over and starts criticizing how i am working (chopping onions, reading dupes, food on the grill, in saute pans...working it as i work it...) when he should have been minding his own beeswax doing prep, so i snapped. once at him, then i had nothing to say the balance of the morning to him, but the wrath continued and flowed onto my servers and hostess.

and my kids brought home not so good interims and the wrath continued in the car.

and my older cat hates my daisy cat and wants to kill her. really. dead. as in her hisses say "i hope you die."

so Jesus isn't in rosie today either.

if you see Him, send Him back to south jersey.


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