i have known my precious friend carolyn for going on five years now - has it been that long? she and i had the pleasure of meeting face to face at another *message board friend's home* in upstate new york a year and a half ago - who said we would never meet this side of heaven? she is from canada and i, little ole new jersey.
since i have known her, she has always shared her prodigal son story - he ran away only a short time prior to my meeting her online. i've walked this walk with her and have been there with her through phone calls, instant messages, and in person. it has been such a narrow walk for her but she never, ever lost hope or faith. God was always able to provide glimpses of his whereabouts for her, even though he hadn't actually *come home*
they had lunch together yesterday.
finally i took his face in my hands and looked deep into his eyes and said "thank you". he asked why and i said how thankful i was that he contacted me and came out for lunch and that i have missed him soooo much. his eyes filled up with tears.through the tears of my own eyes, i am compelled to share this intimate story with you because even now, more than ever, she needs prayers for wisdom and discernment, but i have to say, i love this lady's heart so, so much and i know that although her heart must be so full right now, God will light her path and healing and wholeness will come.
so i asked him if i could have a hug and he opened his arms wide and said sure. i told him i loved him and he said i love you too mom.
plus it's just a darn good illustration of the prodigal son, modern-day.
how blessed i feel to be a part of this. now go read her poignant story and tell her penni sent you :)
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