he considers himself a prophet.
he sits back and analyzes everything that is being said, and when all conversations are over, then he spills out "what God has shared with him, just now..."
::blink, blink::
i feel like he stops short of saying "thus says the Lord," and sharing the story of a hot coal being placed on his lips by cherubim.
listen, i am all about the advice. i am all about unsolicited advice, at that. but how can someone who barely knows me or knows anything even remotely about me tell me today how i need to "love my daughter more and speak truth into her life?"
breathe in, breathe out
::blink, blink::
breathe again. remain in seat until unnecessary attention is needed in kitchen so i can excuse myself respectfully.
i may be wrong about this, but if the conviction of God was in this man's message to me, i think it would have been received by me with a great Forehead Smack. it wasn't. it was met with inaudible sighing and blinking. takes a lot to get me quiet but for him? not much effort.
this is not the first time he's done this. he's also scolded her in front of me for her lack of bible study, and said just today she needs to "grow up" when it comes to getting over her jitters about getting married...he talks a good talk when it comes to Christianity (i think i've blogged about this before...) but there is something *there* about him i can't put my finger on; i get all twisty inside, and not in a good way.
could be, however, i am the (wo)man of unclean lips...
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