missing person(s)

i am missing certain people in my life this evening, probably mostly because of my post from earlier this morning when i spoke of being absent a cook since february.

since february. let that soak for a minute --- bruce has been gone since february. the first few weeks after his death, i thought i'd never make it through. darkness surrounding, surrealistic days, insomniac nights.

i am a bit better.

i think.

and it will be seven months ago tomorrow that it was discovered that he took his life. probably (technically) seven months ago today, but they found him on the 11th.

i still have a hard time listening to rock songs on the radio, especially those i know he liked. my husband deals with it better than i do, but i had a different relationship with bruce than he did.


seven months. can you flippin' believe it?

and for the record, within this post is a picture of the picture we used at his memorial service - he was at work, in front of the coffee satellites and it was the only shot he ever let anyone take of him - his motto was "no paper trails, no photographic evidence."

God, i miss him.

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