high maintenance

ukok's place: High Maintenance:
"I gave up frequenting forums because it became imperative that I got my daily fix and it began to impinge dramatically upon my life. I gave forums up after 3 years, and after 1 1/2 years of blogging, I'm going to lose the neuroses. From discussions with my fellow bloggers I feel qualified to say that sometimes blogging becomes more than just journalling your life, it becomes a game, a 'who visit's whom' and a 'I won't visit them if they don't visit me scenario'. Sometimes it's about how many hit's we get or where our referrals are from. Sometimes it's about the comment's we receive or the lack therof.

Life is full of meaning, these things are not."
this was spot-on; go read the balance. i'll wait.

while ukok says she won't be blogging as much because she is being called to do other things by The Big Guy, if she posts little pretties like these, i believe she's serving two purposes: posting for us (her readership) and posting for the Kingdom.

pretty powerful stuff.

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