baton pass.

i've seen them in cyberspace...i've tried to hide from them, not participate...they haunt me. they really do. i feel as though i am avoiding a friend's phone call, so here i go.

i am catching up on tags and memes. ugh.

first, i believe was fish, but then i saw lee had the same question for me --

Rules: "The first player of this game starts with the topic "five weird habits of yourself," and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says "You are tagged" (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours."
*sigh* must i? i think i've done something like this before, but i'll be good and play along...just enter into the ever-solemn pinky swear with me right now that you won't judge me based solely on my wierdness.


1. i floss all the time. i have floss in my car, just in case. i am one of those floss fanatics. there, i've said it. feels better already...

2. i've become a neat freak with my car. God knows why. i sure don't. it used to be like a rolling mart o' stuff and now, you can practically eat off the floor of it. practically.

3. i have a difficult time throwing away items if they are religious in nature. honestly, i've only been a Catholic for ten years, this started way back in the day when i was Methodist, so we can't blame it on me being "super-religiously-superstitious." even old magnificats. i make my husband do it because i can't.

4. as soon as i wake up, i get dressed before i even walk downstairs to make coffee. down to the shoes. go figure.

5. i think i've mentioned my sock habit in the past, but i'll just remind you: i have over 100 pair of patterned socks. no lie. i lost count after 100. my Christmas socks alone number 30 pair. they must coordinate with my top or i am said to have a *bad sock day*.


again, no judging.

passing the baton to and yes, i chose six people to discover some wierdness about:

philothea rose
steve and

last meme was from yurodivi:
You know, anybody can make regular old New Year's Resolutions. These are new liturgical year's resolutions.
this is timely based on the comments in a recent thread asking about the liturgical year, which began the first Sunday of i am late, but i have really, really good excuses.

here we go:

1. get and stay healthy (i am currently on week #4 of feeling crappy --- how's that resolution working for me so far?)

2. write more letters by hand in lieu of email.

3. continue to attend daily Mass, schedule permitting.

4. be more organized. and stop procrastinating, obviously.

5. be more frugal (can anyone help a sister out with that one??)

next, i shall pass the baton to the following:

janet and
a. noel

have at it, kids :)

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