national de-lurking week?

(let's see if you get the connection between the picture, above and your blog hostess...)

Created by Paper Napkin to encourage readers who are too shy to leave a comment to speak up, De-Lurker Day has been extended to an entire week. That way everyone has a chance to work up the courage to speak up.

So c'mon. Just leave me a line or so. How long have you been reading my blog? Or what is your favorite book, movie, or TV show? Or what is the weather like today where you are? I'm not picky ... and remember ... if you don't leave a comment, you're letting the terrorists win.

i would also love to know if you are a believer or non-believer, if it has made a difference in what you have read here, do you attend church or Mass? do you do other spiritual practices? do you work for a living inside or outside of the home? who are you, exactly?

profound, silly, all comments welcomed...

h/t julie d.

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