We delude ourselves about what is right and true. We gravitate toward those who counsel us in a manner predisposed to our point of view. We tell ourselves that God understands and where we may admit that he may disagree with us we trust Jesus will have mercy upon us in that final accounting but for now, in this present day and real world, having been comforted we continue on after the fashion that most aligns with our own conscience. It is not easy work, it is hard, very hard and is not to be trivialized but the human condition exacts toll for favour. ~~owen

i read this and thought "wow - we are a messed up bunch." there are times we need to be with people who are of "like mind" with us, and but in the end, we are hopeful it all aligns with our morals and belief systems.

however, if we are truly going against something that the Holy Spirit is trying to instill in us, we will never find enough people to align ourselves with; it will be an on-going and continuous search because what we are seeking alignment of is not proper in the Lord. we find our truest friends the ones who dare to speak such a bold truth into our lives, regardless of how much we resist hearing. we plug our ears and sing the Star Spangled Banner at the top of our lungs in order to drown it out, "it" being the Voice of Reason.

He dogs us. He is truly the Hound of Heaven.

I fled Him, down the nights and down the days;
I fled Him, down the arches of the years;
I fled Him, down the labyrinthine ways
Of my own mind; and in the mist of tears
I hid from Him, and under running laughter.

Up vistaed hopes I sped;
And shot, precipitated,
Adown Titanic glooms of chasmèd fears,
From those strong Feet that followed, followed after.

But with unhurrying chase,
And unperturbèd pace,
Deliberate speed, majestic instancy,
They beat -- and a voice beat
More instant than the Feet --
"All things betray thee, who betrayest Me..."

i believe we will not have our alignment or sense of peace - deep peace - regardless of how many comrades we have on "our side." ultimately, our wills need to be aligned in Him.

Our hearts are restless, o Lord, until they rest in You.

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