medical update

Sorry I'm late on this, but I am truly sorry about this for you. I know it goes deeply against your nature..... MaMaT, comments box

being this ill is totally, incomprehensibly against my nature, against the nature of my business and against the nature of the expectations of the hospital to have an employee report for work.

yesterday afternoon, i had a long discussion, once again, with my physician who said he worried about me all weekend and decided it would be in my better interest to discuss my case with his friend who is an infectious disease doctor. because of how i am still feeling, he has ordered me out of work for two more weeks and i am only allowed back to work - including the cafe - once i am "cleared."

you see, while many adults may carry the cytomegalovirus, not many are actually afflicted with it unless they have compromised immune systems (think HIV status positive) or another underlying autoimmune deficiency. thus, he ordered more tests - the HIV titer among others - and we will await those results with bated breath. with the kind of virus i have i should not be around pregnant women or babies, nor should i be handling food.

that pretty much counts me homebound until at least dec 18th.

it was a really rough yesterday afternoon, but i have come to terms with everything and through a lot of prayer and discussion with my Lord and my God, i feel i have gotten over whatever anxiety i would naturally have over donating so many red-topped tubes again today.

thank you for your prayers and thoughtful comments. it is difficult for this martha to be a mary, but she is trying; to say i would covet your continuing prayers would be an understatement.


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