is this true??

Adam et Eve.
24x19. 1986.
Huile sur toile


from ask sister mary martha:

As for your question, I'm assuming what you mean here, what you are poking at but don't have the nerve to say outright, is, "Didn't Jesus already pay for all of the sins of the world by dying on the cross? Isn't the debt paid in full?" (so I can just go my merry way and go to heaven no matter what I do because I believe Jesus already paid for my sins....nice try....)

And the simple answer is, just the one debt of Original Sin. The rest of the sins are owned at operated by the individuals who commit them, giving new meaning to the idea of 'sin tax.' (emphasis added)

i had thought that sister was a satirist, one of the finer ones, but also that she uses satire to drive certain points home, especially when it comes to The Faith. i am wondering, however, if the above comports with your understanding? i am posting this because i believe it to be an ecumenical question, not one that will get my brethren up in a bunchy knot because we have so many visitors from all different denominations that visit here.

your thoughts appreciated.


Adoro said...

What Sister Martha provided is authentic Catholic teaching. Jesus saves us from the stain of Original Sin, and those sins we have repented of. Throughout the NT, the apostles discuss the fact taht we are not "saved" by the Protestatnt understanding of salvation, for it references sins that lead to "death".

Sister just put it very simplistically and very bluntly.

Hope that helps! There is a great deal more to this topic of theology, of course...I kept it simple, too.

earthie said...

Well that's a weird way of looking at it (hers, I mean) because if Jesus' death on the Cross does not free me from ALL my sin, then it wasn't worth much, since every one of my sins condemns me (each offense against God is an infinite offense)Thus Christ would have died in vain, since only the sinless Mary would be saved. Through Reconciliation He continues saving us from sin, through His cross and the ministry of His Church. Maybe I'm just confused about what she was saying, but yeah...

Anonymous said...

This post, among others, is one reason I took her off my sidebar this week.
No, it's not true.
