How do I summarize the last two full weeks without boring you all tears? I know, I'll make it into a bullet-point discussion and you can ask questions if you so desire afterwards in the comments section. I promise I will respond.
- Closing the cafe was a bit rough.
- I cried on the Wednesday before we closed, which is a good thing because it left my system before Sunday when some of my customers were crying.
- If you missed out on your hug on the way out the door, I have some to spare :)
- Biopsies of your thyroid gland are very painful.
- I almost passed out.
- Thyroid scan returned a "cool to cold" nodule, meaning = not so hot (ha, ha) or not good.
- Biopsy was recommended by radiologist, but had already been done.
- I have no patience awaiting results, which came 5 days after they were supposed to...
- ...with the diagnosis of "no diagnosis" because they didn't get enough cells from doing the biopsy.
- It was suggested that I should "repeat the biopsy."
- I had other suggestions.
- Penni was upset.
- Very upset.
- Penni cannot tell you what she really said as she would lose friends over her potty mouth.
- Actually two seconds ago hung up with doctor's office who said "no you are NOT going to repeat that biopsy; keep your appointment Tuesday."
- Thank God for Millie :)
- Jimbo started new job today.
- He is a happy guy.
- I heard they are doing a ton of work to the cafe, the things we requested be done but weren't and I am having a hard time with being a little put-out.
- But it passes.
- Rather quickly :)
- I had a small article published in the Porpoise Diving Life
- My good friend Jeff was in charge.
- He is a swell guy.
- As is RWK, who also had a story there too.
- I have also discovered I just want to be the best Christ-follower I can be...
- ...but enjoy being Catholic because I recognize Jesus in the Eucharist.
- I guess they are stuck with me :)
- Took Mom to doctor's; she looked great, feels great, but doesn't "test" well.
- She needs to be on oxygen "all the time" and doc wants her out on permanent disability.
- Mom was sad.
- I am just happy Mom is with us.
- Mom is happy doctor said she could drink wine with dinner.
- Penni is happy about that too :)
- I have read blogs and commented on some.
- I've missed blogging but not writing too much.
- We have a new priest at our parish that seems to want to make changes.
- I am skeptical but open.
- Centering prayer can probably change my life...
- ...if I practice it with more regularity.
- I actually love it.
- I have missed my friends.
- I am grateful for the comments left by new folks...
- and am grateful for the emails I have received in private.
- You all inspire me to be a better person.
There you have it -- I am back and will keep you posted about the condition my condition is in. Please tell me what I missed in my absence :)
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