bloggers choice awards

i have seen all over St. Blogs the outrage against an atheist blog being ahead in the votes for "best religious blog" over at the Bloggers Choice Awards. it would seem the Saints are a mighty force because now i note that there are many Catholic blogs out ahead or in the running; i would also love to see a fair representation of Christian blogs so i've gone ahead and nominated a couple of my faves who, out of respect for their modest humility, i shall leave as nameless herein. but take a gander by tomorrow a.m. and see for yourself if there is anybody more deserving to win in the writing, charity, religion and blogitzer categories...

i would also aver that some of the other nominations for other awards were quite eye-opening, to say the least. i must live in a naive little bubble because there were many that were actually jaw-dropping to read, and they left me thinking that i would rather stay in my comfort zone of bloggers and delight in the new ones that are suggested to me by others than to read some of those whose motto is definitely not "first, do no harm." what a scary world we live in.

and you all think i am transparent? ha!

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