Stephen Levine
via inward/outward
a year seems a long while. 40 days, i can try :)
the famous question, "what are you giving up for Lent?" is one my whole family only begins discussing on Fat Tuesday over dinner at our parish's pancake supper. my husband wants to eat healthier, to which we all nodded in affirmation while dipping our sausages into more syrup...molly is on the fence, which is typical and max failed to chime in on anything (he'll be eating healthier once he has his surgery...until then, i think he's "all in!") since he wasn't there.
personally, i am going to not snack between meals, eat more of what God created and less of what man had a hand in, and drink more water and
for those of you who have been around, this is my favorite season in the Church. i am pretty penitential as a rule, but this year it has major significance in my life as i am working through some pretty major changes in my world and i am learning more about myself and my God. it's all good.
new links will be appearing for different sites for prayer and reflection during Lent. one of the best, however, is Creighton University's.
peace, all.
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