*#$%^ blogger.

had a post all ready to publish.

witty, insightful. just a tad to the left of *sassy* feeling more like myself than i have for days.

so i get all sorts of creative and want to change the color of my font. not a bad idea, have done it before. i block, go to click on the color of my choice and **poof** gone. just like that. no recovery.

to say i am upset is a slight understatement. volcanic eruption came to mind. gee whiz, it took me a long time to compose my thoughts to the point of publication and those words are gone.


(i am shaking my fist in the air for emphasis, probably even pursing my lips in *the look* as my children call it. oh yes. i am angry.)

there has got to be a better way. please someone. tell me the better way.

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