rosary beads

i mentioned that i made rosary beads in my first experience with Mary post. i am trying to find the appropriate backdrop so i can do a little show & tell here - they are really quite *groo-vay* as my kids would say because they are unique in the appearance. i have made each set differently - for my boys' sets, i added their saints medals to the center (st. maximilian kolbe for max and st. augustine for ben) and theirs were more specialized, so i used sterling silver for everything - they were not cheap to make, i can assure you, but worth it because both boys love them.

i made a set for a girl in my ccd class who teased me over the fact that i made beads in the first place - they were black with an irridescent glow to them, not your normal prayer-like beads and she loved them...another student asked me to make a set for her father, which i finished last weekend. i have to give them to her on monday.

today i got my supplies in from my favorite on-line company, the rosary shop, whose owner i have become so familiar with i know him by first name (seth, by the way). i am excited because i have decided to make my entire 8th grade class a set of their own beads - the centers i chose were of Our Lady of Lourdes because there is a little bit of water self-contained in the center - since our parish's patroness is St. Bernadette, i felt it would be very cool to include her somehow, and i am glad i did.

the only problem i have at the moment is i cannot find my camera and my phone on my camera is not much to write home about...

by the way - i've never sold any beads and they are not blessed prior to my giving them away (the set for my student was, and it was so selfish, but i wanted to keep them because one of my favorite priests blessed them. *sigh* other than that, no selling of blessed articles. i don't need the vatican after me...)


Essy said...

I actually made rosaries with my 8th grade class one was alot of fun.

~pen~ said...

essy, i was thinking of do that, but i do them, one bead at a time with pliers and all sorts of holdy-onny-type tools (sorry, not a carpenter). i find it extremely relaxing and it's a meditation for me to pray for the person i am making them for and contemplate one of the mysteries as i continue on through the decades.

who would've ever thought? if my rcia instructors only knew ;)

Renee said...

I write icons, and find the same thing in so far as the meditative quality of each brush stroke, praying for intercession from the saint I am painting, for the recipient of the finished icon.

Renee said...

I write icons, and find the same thing in so far as the meditative quality of each brush stroke, praying for intercession from the saint I am painting, for the recipient of the finished icon.

~pen~ said...

i just had the pleasure of repairing our monsignor's rosary beads, which must be over 40 years old (he's been a priest for a verrry long time...)

i was a bit nervous because i had to actually replace two beads so there would be a flow in the decades. he was concerned as i had to transplant an *our Father* bead ("but sir, they are the same size and shape - you won't be able to tell!" to which he replied, "oh, yes i will...") even with all my fretting, they came out lovely, and he was quite pleased (believe me i know how simple of a man he is - also honest - if he didn't like them, he'd have told me so!)

marypoppins, tell me about writing icons - that is something i know nothing about other than one of my favorite priests is very into icon art (if i misphrased that, please forgive me). i would love to hear more about it.