emotional post

i posted this morning on the fly (comments) and am putting this up with an hour to go before i am out the door again. quickie update of my so-called life:

proud sponsor

most importantly: stood for my niece isabella at her confirmation last night. as i told julie in an email, i love the smell of the sacred chrism as it permeates the air after the confirmandi have been anointed. there is an almost palpable feeling of holiness in the air; i was filled to overflowing.

dinner following had us leaving the restaurant at 9:45 p.m. mind you: still 1.5 hours from home, i wake up at 4:00 on tuesdays and we didn't get home until - you guessed it - 11:15. just so you know one more of my imperfections: i am a bear when i am awoken from a nap. i am okay in the morning, but if for whatever reason i am napping (which is rare), i am just a beast.

'nuff said.


before i went into the church last night, i was reading from my benedictine spirituality book and it was talking about being still where you are - that we are restless folks by nature and it takes all that is in us to be still. i thought: job move/no job move? i called the hospital to follow up on the application i filed and talked to the girl in charge of nursing staff hiring. she said they are not, under any circumstances, at this time hiring from the outside; they are full-up with requests for shift changes on the inside, thank you for your interest.

i said "okay, please keep me in mind if anything should change." i was a bit disappointed, but said to hub "if God wants this for me, nothing is impossible for Him. He'll have to make it happen because i am not forcing the issue." he agreed.

i got a call at work today -- it seems they want to interview me. on thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. i said, "is this the same girl i spoke to last night at 4:45?"

"yes. yes, it is..."


what, are you kidding me? i just chuckled and said, "sure." i'll keep you posted. please: pray, pray, pray.


the customer who i wrote this piece about was in today for lunch. after i was caught up and she and her friend had finished eating, i went out to say hello and told her that i was afraid i had come across as being rude when she wanted to deliver her own food the last time she was in when i worked. she had to think back to what i was talking about and said, "penni, you are such a dear - i was not upset in the least! i can't believe you would be upset about that!"

shows you what i know.

i told her that as much as i want my customers to feel at home, i still want to feel as though we are taking care of them and i wouldn't want their service to feel compromised. she patted me on the arm and assured me that all was well.


my hub and i are having dinner tonight with a very special guest who in or around our area on business in philadelphia. i am looking forward to meeting my first *blogger* - unfortunately, i did not shed the 20 pounds i was hoping to, but i will wear black to camoflage any unwanted details :) i'll report back (probably tomorrow morning) about how things went -- i am sure they will go wonderfully.

the hub is chaperoning ;)

hope you are all well - any prayer requests i've received by email, i can assure you that you are being lifted up to the heavenlies.

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