...first let me say, it is a humbling honor simply to be nominated for the 2005 Blogs of Beauty Awards.
(quiet, reflective pause as i dab away the little tear in the corner of my eye...)
that being said, my blogger pallies nominated the ole penster for a bunch o' categories (woohoo!!): Best Design - Traditional - The most beautiful blog of a non-contemporary design (that is allllll crystal :), Best Meet for a Mocha - The blogger you have never met and would most like to meet in person for a mocha (meet for a mocha? who knew?!?), but i was a finalist (!) for Best Discussion (Has the best discussions in the comments sections.)
what, are you kidding me? i just put the questions out there mostly, it's you folks who get the ideas and comments flowing back and forth! this award would be for you, my friends (and not so friendly-friends) in the blog-o-sphere...
here's the deal, through the hostess Sallie:
Here's how to vote:Sallie's email address is: Sallie(at)twotalentliving(dot)com. vote early, and vote often and while i am a tad sad to see some of the folks i nominated not be a finalist with me, i am thrilled to see all the new gal blogs to visit.
1. Visit each of the finalist blogs. Spend at least a few minutes getting acquainted with blogs you have never seen. Please DO NOT automatically vote for all the blogs with which you are familiar! One of the main points of this process is to discover new treasures. I left a week for voting so people could take a few minutes each day and become familiar with the finalists.
2. Send me an email with your one vote for each category. All I need is the category name and the one blog you are voting for. It might be easiest to copy and paste the results and just delete everything you don't need.
3. If you nominated someone and they are a finalist, will you make sure they know about it? (It would also be nice if all the nominees knew if you would like to let your favorites know!)
4. If you are a finalist, feel free to use the finalist award design on your blog!
5. Keep in mind that the criteria for this contest is honoring the women who bring the beauty of the Lord Jesus to the blogosphere. Think beauty and choose the ladies who demonstrate it most clearly!
6. Voting will close 8:00 p.m. EST, Tuesday, December 6, 2005.
7. Have fun!
i am excited :)
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