roots & wings

there is a children's book by maira kalman called "max makes a million," where max, the wonderdog, wanted to go to paris and become a poet - he started out by selling shoes in the beginning of this whimsical book, max says "he's got his roots," now he wants his wings.

one of my employees (all the way to the right in the white shirt) who has bused tables for me for quite some time has stepped into his role as line cook quite effectively -- so much so that i feel a pang of disappointment if he is not working with me for the day (not that i don't adore my other line cook, of course i do, but he is not ian...) he has had some *growing up issues* this past year but things seem to be settling down for him at home and he hung in there with with us through his tough mean time. he is a treasure.

during our benefit for the bayou, ian's band "forever el dorado" (you heard it here first) was the second one to go on and they were really good. really, really good. so much so, even though they were loud and i am old (as per my children), i got up close to watch him play bass and stood in awe that this kid bused tables for me (and now cooks with me - what a talented guy!) apparently, i am not the only one who thinks his band is good -- they are having a scout from a major record label come see them play this weekend - and then tuesday - his scheduled day to work with me, tyvm - they are headed to NYC for a *second* interview and possible record deal.

i love this kid and want him to succeed. this is a dream come true for him and this garage band - and as much as i want him to stay with us, i have a feeling this is one of those moments where i need to put my selfish feelings aside and support his good efforts 100%.

-- now, as i see ian getting ready to leave for nyc, i can't help but think of the line from max that says "roots and wings, roots and wings, i've got to go, daddy-0."

i think he's got to go, daddy-o.

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