Happy Thanksgiving

Manhattan Project/Cold War Era
Hanford Photo Declassification Project


i am thankful to have been invited three places to eat dinner today: well, two places and one dessert stop. we have opted to go to Jim's sister's for dinner and i am taking him into work early so i can pick him up by 3 to go to philadelphia.

i believe i will, instead of returning home right away, stop at Sister Jean's kitchen to see if she needs an extra set of hands for a few hours because i know she will have a lot of guests today - it will be my first visit since september because a few days after said visit, i landed my second job and simply haven't had the time. i am making the time today since i am off.

this sunday is my family's traditional dinner - two very important members of the tribe have to work today so we will convene on sunday - with everything delish and our tradition (and anyone who joins us at the table does the same) is that we make a "Thankful List" - 10 things we are thankful for over the past year. we say grace as we gather around the table and we each take turns reciting our list - it is quite poignant and something we all look forward to doing every year. one year, if i recall correctly, i believe ben was thankful for led zeppelin. good times :)

do you have a sacred tradition you carry on with your friends, family? i pray that God blesses you all to overflowing. i know i am thankful for you, dear readers, who have ministered to me in ways you could not possibly know or comprehend. you are blessings to me.

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